Our team has taken part in numerous scientific and technological project by making collaborations with academic and industrial partners. Some of the project titles are as follows:
Integrated battery thermal management system to reduce energy consumption and cost in electric vehicles: PCM and variable coolant flow control. TUBITAK, collaboration with Prof. Sylvie LORENTE, USA.
Research on PV-aided energy supply of a kindergarten satisfying net-zero energy building criteria. Scientific Research Project.
Battery module and cooling system design for an industrial battery energy storage system. Funded by EnerSys Inc. and Villanova University, collaboration with Prof. Sylvie LORENTE (USA) and Asst. Prof. Giovani Dambros TELLI (Brazil).
Research on homogeneous battery thermal management system with constructal theory approach to prevent thermal runaway risk during fast charging/discharging in electric vehicles. TUBITAK, collaboration with Prof. Sylvie LORENTE, USA.
Numerical modeling of thermal and electrical characteristics of battery energy storage system for disaster/emergency electrification application. TUBITAK Research Project.
Experimental and numerical investigations on thermal and electrical characteristics of electric vehicle battery cell. Scientific Research Project, TR.